The Project

To complete this assignment you will have to make sure and read all the directions carefullly. You wouldn't want to miss any directions. If you don't understand what I mean in the directions don't be afraid to ask. Also just a hint, everything that is blue is what you will need to do to for the project to be complete.

Your Task is to pick ONE of these tribes Cherokee, Navajo, or Sioux Indian Tribes.You will have to figure out:

__The location in which your tribe lived (what state)
__The Region the tribe belong
ed to (Plains, West, etc.)
__The climate the lived in

__The animals they had
__The food the tribe ate
__How they prepared their food
__What the tribe lived in
__The materials used to build the shelter
__The culture the tribe had based on, Traditions, Games, Education, Religion, Art, Leadership
__A few
facts that you found interesting.

After you gather all of this information, you will be required to put together a poster, on
poster board that I will give to you. On this poster board you will need to include, pictures of the shelter, the foods eaten by the tribe, the animals that the tribe had, plants around where the tribe lived, and if possible pictures of games the tribe played, and a picture of art that explained the tribe. You will also need to write a brief paragraph and attach it to the poster board that explains what you learned with your research. You will also need to include a few sentences that state some facts that you found interesting, and would like to learn more about. (Sort of like the example above).
Now, here c
omes the fun part, after you put together your poster board, you will have to create a Model, of what the tribe lived in. (Like the one on the right, only for your particular tribe.) This will give you all a wonderful opportunity to see how the tribe really lived, and it will give you the experience of seeing how hard it was for the tribe to build their home.

Picture from
Pictures from